Graduating CRNAs: Some advice on seeking opportunities in your marketplace.
As a highly sought after asset in the medical industry, Nurse Anesthetists have many free resources to help them find an ideal career opportunity upon graduation. Although the difficulties of entering the occupation and completing the requirements to earn the CRNA title is high, the tools available to help locate an opportunity makes finding a job quite easy. Now competition, especially in certain regions, can still be intimidating, so securing that position may be an entirely new task; however, finding and submitting your professional candidacy to these positions require almost no time at all.
With highly advanced job boards, like SleepJobs.com, identifying quality opportunities and applying for desirable Anesthesia jobs only takes minutes to do on your own. Using industry specific outlets, you don’t have to wade through the ever-rising sea of unrelated posts, you can quickly view everything that is available specifically to CRNAs. By using SleepJobs.com, you can save even more time by selecting one or multiple locations and filter jobs further by seeking full-time, part-time, per diem, or Locum durations.
Another avenue for CRNAs is to utilize the skills of a professional staffing firm. Some may believe these agencies are not working in their best interest, but this could not be further from the truth. Logically, they need to present a candidate that is hirable and qualified for an opening, while also having the candidate excited about the qualities of the opportunity. Otherwise, the equation does not work and it will end up being a waste of time. This is precisely why recruiters work diligently to find out what you really want and help you find the right position. It is truly an untapped resource for many graduating CRNAs and it is highly advisable to consider the professional skills of a recruiter to assist you in job hunting. SleepJobs.com makes this even easier for you by providing a list of Employers and Firms ready to help find something you’ll be very happy with.
Furthermore, upon graduation a CRNA can join a local Anesthesia Group full-time, which will negate the need to search for a specific, individual job. Most of the time, when these groups are looking to expand, they want somebody to join with a long-term commitment in mind. They typically have service contracts with multiple facilities and can use your skills at several locations. If you are looking to work in more than one facility in the area and joining a close team of providers, checking into your local Anesthesia groups would be a good place to start.
Whatever your preferences in searching for employment may be, there are many resources available to CRNAs in helping them locate jobs and these resources should be utilized.

You have a job offer. Now what?
Within any occupation, there are many considerations to be made when accepting a job offer. In Anesthesia, however, there are a few specific things to look at when determining if you should say “Yes”. Given that both the location and salary structure is agreed upon and desired, a CRNA should really look into their full benefits package and the exact parameters of it. You’ll want to compare 401k contributions, vacation time, and insurance benefits to make sure that it is competitive in the marketplace and that you will be receiving at least what is standard for that area. Some providers have varying preferences and prioritize certain benefits over the others, so be sure to really examine what your benefits package looks like and if it makes sense for your situation. In certain circumstances, negotiating your benefits and even changing your employment status to 1099 can occur, as long as it benefits both parties involved. Never be afraid to ask questions!
Secondly, it is very important to note whether you will be an employee of the healthcare facility OR if you are going to be hired on with the Anesthesia group or management company. If you will be hired on into the group or management company, it would be wise to look into the group’s history, their stability, and what your future with the group will look like. You want to be certain that your connection with the group is solid and that they will support you when needed.
Always be aware of your environment. Within a hospital, for example, it is a good idea to consider access to new and advanced equipment. If the Anesthesia department seems to be under-funded or lacking in technology and equipment, it could be an indication of near-future problems. If you are considering an opportunity at a surgery center or office-based practice, consider the availability and functionality of safe equipment. You should always be prepared with the required tools necessary to ensure patient safety. If you think this may be an issue, it should be professionally addressed before you involve yourself further. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Finally, and most importantly, you need to consider the team. Being able to work cooperatively with the other CRNAs, Anesthesiologists, and Surgeons is critical. As a CRNA, you are working collaboratively with the Surgeon and sometimes under the direction of the Anesthesiologist. Being able to successfully communicate with them is paramount for patient safety in addition to your overall job satisfaction. You may have a job with a high salary, perfect location, and great benefits, but if you don’t enjoy who you work with then it still leaves you dissatisfied.
Remember: Always act with long-term strategies in mind.
SleepJobs.com: Anesthesia’s Path to Future Connectivity
Only four months ago, a new website was launched that was designed to be a comprehensive outlet in locating and applying for Anesthesia opportunities across the country. Crafted by several Anesthesia professionals, this outlet is completely catered to CRNAs and Anesthesiologists by providing a single destination for employment needs.

Sleep Jobs is a brand new and superior Anesthesia Job Board that suits not only our high-end medical industry, but also matches the technological and modern way we communicate. With a modern and visually appealing platform which scales very well to tablets and smartphones, it is already becoming a popular outlet for thousands of providers.
There are many channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, that focus on personal, social, and entertainment profiles, but SleepJobs.com is designated to allow only Anesthesia providers to create a professional profile and explore real opportunities in their areas. This professional Anesthesia profile offers a resume builder, personal description section, photo upload, contact information, job alerts, and important skills-sets to publish about yourself.
If you are either actively searching for employment or simply curious about available opportunities, SleepJobs opens the door to a user friendly and easy to navigate experience.
SleepJobs is making a positive impact on the Anesthesia community by providing an advance website that facilitates real-time connections between Anesthesia provider and potential employer. By constantly improving and upgrading, this resource will not sit by and simply watch advances in communication and social media, it will evolve with it and harness the new capabilities. With plans on creating a smart-phone app that will revolutionize the way the Anesthesia world is connected, SleepJobs will always remain in line with communication technology.
Visit our site at www.sleepjobs.com and you will see the difference and value we deliver unlike any other outlet available. Sign up for free and start working on your future, today!
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